Abbatiale Notre Dame de Bernay
So Simply and So Marvellously Romanesque.
During the 150 years that followed the French Revolution, the abbey church, founded by Judith of Brittany, suffered numerous ravages.
One of the transept arms was destroyed so that a street could pass through, and the "authentic" apse had to be rebuilt after the church was classified as a historic monument in 1962.
Today, everything breathes as one with a Romanesque soul. Inside the church, the sturdiness of the piers is in harmony with the grace of the semi-circular vaults and the poetry of the carved capitals...
A thousand years of prayer are etched in these stones.
The conventual buildings, built in the 17th century and now serving as the town hall, invite you for a stroll around the square. This lovely, landscaped garden undoubtedly offers the best view of the sumptuous, Classical arrangement of the facade.
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