Abbaye Notre-Dame de la Trappe
A Song of Love and Silence.
In the 12th century, the Count of Perche had a chapel built in memory of his departed wife. Monks arrived and founded a monastery on this site, which until then was known only to trappers : Notre-Dame de la Trappe or Our Lady of the Trap.
In the 17th century, an abbot and courtier took refuge in this abbey at the outer limits of Normandy in order to mourn his beloved duchess. And... he had a radical conversion. Penitence and rigour.
He imposed the Strict Observance.
What a figure was the Abbot Rancé ! Chateaubriand transformed his life into a novel. The Trappists made his reforms into an ideal. A vow of asceticism and silence…
Behind the closed gate stands an abbey rebuilt in the neo-mediaeval style of the 19th century. In the shop, you are invited to share a moment in the monks' life and work and also to join the community in prayer during mass at the church... Such as during vigils. The Mystery of Love in the face of Eternal Life.
Night falls. The monks chant Salve Regina. Once again tonight, the Heavenly Mother will watch over her children. And then day will come again to shine on the hills of the Perche.
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