The POETS' VALLEY, so named after the famous poem "The Valley" by Lamartine, proper, extensively planted with hundreds of varieties of rhododendrons, azaleas, and thousands of other plants.
This opens into :
- The garden of the Rising Sun, a delicate blend of the aquatic, the mineral and the vegetable, softened by the sound of a waterfall. What counts here is the abstract beauty of Nature, the plants and the stones. Three of them are placed to represent the classic Chinese triad of Earth, Sky, and Mankind.
A paved alley ( with stones set in a "wild geese" pattern) links the Red Bridge, marking the entrance to the garden, with the granite lantern, reminiscent of the "Kasuga" style. Notice, in the carpeting moss, pebbles set in abstract patterns symbolising water.
- The garden of the Old Wash-House is situated on the banks of a pond, beneath the boughs of ancient beeches.