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Château de Vascoeuil

Visites culturelles

Tours tariffs and Opening days :

The castle is open from mid-March to mid-June, every day but monday from 2.30 pm to 6 pm. July and August every day from 11 am to 6.30 pm. From September 1st to November 13th, from wednesday to sunday from 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm.

Tarifs :

Individuals : adults 7 Euros, children (below 10 years old) 5 Euros.
Groups à from 20 people : free tour 5 euros, guided tour 7,50 Euros.

Description :


Every year, since 35 years, Vascoeuil welcomes the most famous names of the painting and sculpture, in the chateau, dovecote and the gallery.

The "jardin à la française" designed in 1774 and recently restored is crossed by the river Crevon.
With a 5 hectares park, it invites you for a walk and to discover the splendid trees, and specialy pluryhundred years old.


Jules Michelet, French historian (1798-1874) had his study, restored as the original one, on the top of the tower. His works are recalled in the Michelet Museum, the only museum existing in France.


In the restaurant tearoom "La Cascade" both individuals and groupes, can find a meal for lunch (menus à 22 Euros - 27 Euros - 32 Euros) or a buffet formula as from 18 Euros, or a Norman Brunch or a Norman snack (5 Euros) or a drink.